Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The “Exquisite Doodle” Artist Project, Post 11

please shoot the dancing lady…
“Target Practice,” for Kristine Suhr

For the cover image of Kristine’s box I was inspired by her own artwork.  Kristine has a very distinct style that is very graphic and also very funny.  For all the simplicity of her paintings, the mechanics behind making them work are very precise down to the last millimeter.  Currently we are working together on a pop-up book, and I think what keeps us going is the dream of making a detective book together where we get to dress as special agents and hunt for clues.  Not too long ago I saw an add for a tv station here in Spain that shows action and horror movies.  It had someone shooting at two large paper targets with black figures - a man playing Spanish guitar and a woman dancing flamenco.  Thus came about Kristine’s cover - something I knew she would find funny.

Special agents at work.

The outside...
and looking inside.
The way the scroll starts...
and ends.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The “Exquisite Doodle” Artist Project, Post 10

and she would only fly at night…
 “Night Flight,” for Mary Lou Zeek

For the cover image of Mary Lou’s box I was inspired by how we first met - I had made a little work of art called “The Universe Conspires” for her gallery’s annual 100 artists group show (see bottom image).  I wanted to make her cover have a similar feel, so I decided to use similar materials like paper, strings, and beads.  I was also thinking about what kind of personal message I could be sending her, so what I came up with is "Night Flight."  It’s a little reminder to fly - even if only at night.
Mary Lou will now get her chance to add to the box anywhere she wants, but with special focus on the paper scroll and the white interior.  I can't wait to see what she decides to do!
Detail of butterflies made with paper, strings, and beads.
The outside...
and looking inside.
The way the scroll starts...
and ends.

"The Universe Conspires"

Monday, June 18, 2012

The “Exquisite Doodle” Artist Project, Post 9

The boxes are ready to be mailed to The Players!!!  After today, and for the next eight weeks, I will be posting each Player’s box individually.  Then as I receive the boxes back from The Players, I will show you how they went about doodling and drawing on their scrolls.  What fun!  But first, I’ll show you how I prepared the boxes and scrolls for them… stay tuned!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The “Exquisite Doodle” Artist Project, Post 8

Here are the large covers in various stages of completion...
some will have very few colors while others have lots,
one will have a little staircase and another strings with knots,
one will have a seeing hand while another has doors,
and one will have a poetic scene while another has little blue drops.