Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The “Exquisite Doodle” Artist Project, Post 15
by Alex Mitchell

an onion peel slide on a rainy day…
“Onion Rain,” for Paula Joerling

For the cover image of Paula’s box I was inspired by an illustration from a book by Ramona Badescu and Benjamin Chaud.  They are both wonderful illustrators and I think Paula would really like their work.  The image I remember is an onion peel spiraling down like a slide and a little bird crying big tears as it walked downward.  As I started painting for Paula, I was cutting out big blue drops and then the words “onion rain” popped into my mind.  I felt like sending Paula a little message about finding the fun in any given situation.  Even a rainy day can turn into a fun ride!

The outside...
and looking inside.
The way the scroll starts...
and ends.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The “Exquisite Doodle” Artist Project, Post 14
a night at the theater...
“To Be Or Not To Be A Flea,” for Tom Haney

For the cover image of Tom’s box I was inspired by his own artwork.  I knew I couldn’t give him a box without some kind of moving element.  Tom is a wizard of mechanics, making his sculptures move and tell stories.  His work has so many layers, starting with a poetic idea and ending with a moment of magic when we witness what happens.  I wanted his box to have doors so that there would be an initial element of surprise when he opens them to see what’s inside the little theater…

Doors closed.
Doors open.
The outside...
and looking inside.
The way the scroll starts...
and ends.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The “Exquisite Doodle” Artist Project, Post 13

the world is within you…
“Go Inside,” for John Frame

For the cover image of John’s box I was inspired by his vision as an artist.  I look at his current film project "The Tale Of The Crippled Boy" and I am completely inspired to continue my own artwork.  He reminds me to be fearless about the content of my work, and also to trust my process which is for me deeply rooted with my purpose for being here.  The link above will take you to a short video about John and his work which is truly wonderful.  As John says in the video when he quotes John Ruskin:
Fine art is that in which the head, the hand, and the heart go together.

The outside...
and looking inside.
The way the scroll starts...
and ends.

Monday, July 2, 2012

The “Exquisite Doodle” Artist Project, Post 12

 a hare’s point of view…
“Give The Rifle To The Hare,” for Keith Newstead

For the cover image of Keith’s box I was inspired by a scene from a childhood storybook called “Struwwelpeter” - a book full of now legendary cautionary tales that completely fascinated me as a child.  I’m not sure if Keith also grew up with this book, but I feel he would like the way it always puts the shoe on the other foot so to speak, like what I painted for Keith where a hare steals a rifle from a sleeping hunter and follows him around shooting until the hunter falls in a well (“The Story Of The Man That Went Out Shooting”).

The outside...
and looking inside.
The way the scroll starts...
and ends.